“Something Old, Something New,
Something Borrowed, Something Blue”
As a wedding photographer I hear this little poem often. However, I did not think I would ever apply this to a Bible - until now.
I’ve owned several Bibles in my lifetime, but until recently I’ve never owned a premium Bible. While searching for a Reader’s edition of the King James Version I came across a Bible reviewer on YouTube (Tim Wildsmith - https://www.youtube.com/@timwildsmith). His channel isn’t about which translation to use, instead his channel reviews various Bibles from various publishers and printers and how well they are made. He is always positive and I look forward to watching his reviews. Anyway, Tim did a review of Schuyler (pronounced Sky-ler) Bibles and their Treveris edition of the KJV which is a “hybrid” Reader’s Bible. And, I fell in love with it and thought what a wonderful traditional gift. Not only because it is a good thing to have, but also because in the front of the Bible there are record pages (Presentation, Weddings, Births, and Deaths). Thus affording a new family to have these important records at hand as they have traditionally been in history. See: https://evangelicalbible.com/schuyler-treveris-kjv/
Something Old

While I chose the Schuyler Treveris Bible in the KJV, it is also available in the ESV and they have a wide range of other versions in different styles. The text uses dropdown capital letters in a beautiful red box to start each chapter. This really gives this Bible the feel of something old - an elegant presentation of God’s word. The craftsmanship also feels old world when books and Bibles took time and care to produce. With the verse numbers to the side they go almost unnoticed leaving the reader, at least this reader, with the impression of what it must have been like when believers of old read illuminated manuscripts. It truly is refreshing.
Something New

The typesetting is by 2K/Denmark and the paper comes from France. The font is 10pt and is very easy on the eyes, both in appearance and my tired older eyes. The words of Christ are in red and the Bible comes with three ribbons, and with blue under gold art gilt. I purchased the full yapp version, which is the extra leather around the edge of the Bible and helps to protect the gilt. As a Reader’s Bible it is in paragraph form and feels like reading a novel without distraction of verses and references (although they do have editions that have both).
Something Borrowed

The cover has borrowed the Jerusalem Cross imprinted on the front and side. One of the qualities of a premium Bible is that it comes in either calfskin or goatskin (depending on what Bible you purchase). The goatskin feels very soft and the Bible falls open and stays open wherever you are reading.
Something Blue
(or whatever color you pick)

I purchased the Imperial Blue Goatskin. It’s a different blue that is absolutely gorgeous. However, they have a wide-range of Bible styles and colors. Schuyler is sold by Evangelical Bible in Virginia and come in various translations (KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, NIV, CSB, NLT and RSV). Evangelical Bible also sells Bibles by Schuyler, Zondervan, Cambridge, Allan, TBS, Lockman, Crossway, Holman, and Thomas Nelson.

While I fell in love with Schuyler by seeing it online, when it arrived I was not disappointed. In fact, it was better than I thought. I love it some much that I bought one for my mom (although she chose the Canterbury by Schuyler which is divided into verses and has cross-references at the bottom of the page):
If you are looking for a Bible that will last a life-time, either for yourself or as a gift for that Bride or someone else, I highly recommend Schuyler Bibles. Thank you Schuyler Bibles and EvangelicalBible.com - your labor of love is greatly appreciated.
(This is an independent brief review made without endorsement by or from Schuyler Bibles or Evangelical Bible.)